Thank you for all of the kind messages of support received recently from you and our wider CreateIP family.

I am relieved to say that the CreateIP team and our family members are safe and well, although we all have tales to tell about the quake.

Personally our house has taken a hard hit – livable but major structural damage including a one inch crack that effectively splits the house into two parts. The surrounding roads are in terrible shape with major liquefaction, cracks and sink holes everywhere. Fortunately others in our team are less affected, the earthquake having released its energy in different directions.

We are gathering together and hope to establish a temporary office in the next few days – your patience is appreciated. For any urgent matters please contact us on:

Robert:  Mb: +64 21 422232    E:

To our local clients and their families, please let us know if there is anything we can do to assist work or otherwise.